Even as library staff were getting settled in Sturges, and students and faculty were getting used to the temporary library “situation” brought on by the discovery of asbestos in Milne, news of COVID-19 was catching the attention of the world—and the campus. By the beginning of March 2020, unprecedented shutdowns were taking place throughout the United States and the rest of the world and across all sectors of society, including academia.
On March 5, 2020, President Battles sent a message updating the campus community about preparations being made on campus, urging everyone “to remain calm as we learn more about the direction the outbreak is taking,” and stating that currently “all campus operations and events are proceeding as scheduled.” Still, Battles said, “Provost Stacey Robertson today sent a message to deans, directors, and department chairs with advice on academic contingency plans in the event of COVID-19 disrupting campus operations.”